Monday 17 June 2013


Most African leaders having seen failure under their watch, in many occasions opt to take up projects that will leave them as the biggest beneficiaries from public resources. Following which, protecting these unlawful acts and retaining the power over the public resources becomes their main agenda.
In light of such scenarios, Africa has seen most of its leaders remaining in power for the longest times, undeterred. In addition, some openly fronting their immediate family members or within their circles of the elite to take over the leadership positions hence gaining support from their family members which contributes to their overstay in power.

1 comment:

  1. I'm brainstorming......wonder if there would be benefits from the lineage leadership, if adopted by Africa; the UK (King/ Queen) way- where they have been led/ ruled by this royal family for ages. I know it's certainly not working in Africa owing to lack of structures that would successfully streamline this leadership. "Money hungry Africa", but which nation doesn't have a rush for cash? Even the 1st world countries would do much within their power to ensure that this status does not change, if not improve!
    Why not Africa then? There have been 'somewhat' merits of the leaders/ leadership mentioned here in, as much as demerits.
    I think we could ask/ push for advocacy over what would be done different and especially by the people as we, African's do get to chose our leaders; is it not therefore time we had a collective strategy into the matter? #styleuptheKings&QueensOfAfrica?
