Sunday 9 June 2013


Africa has since independence faced a lot of setbacks in rebuilding its structures after colonization. Certain attributes have after several years been gaping for attention from the standing and wanting leaderships. Africa has faced challenges in among other highlights; Food security, Capacity building, Debilitating indebtedness, Ineffective trade investments, regional & sub regional economic integration, Tribal conflicts.....
It has been viewed that leaders in Africa were by far unprepared to take on the new roles for these and various other arguable reasons. This has in many occasions brought impunity and contempt in dealing with matters of public interest. The leaders having seen failure under their watch, in many occasions opt to take up projects that will leave them as the biggest beneficiaries from public resources. Following which, protecting these unlawful acts and retaining the power over the public resources becomes their main agenda.
In light of such scenarios, Africa has seen most of its leaders remaining in power for the longest times, undeterred. In addition, some openly fronting their immediate family members or within their circles of the elite to take over the leadership positions...

In this forum, let us discuss over the various reasons and issues that have come about from this 'stay' of African leaders in power. As well, sight any benefits that may have arisen from these leaderships!

Your views please.......  

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